Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals

Strong bodies powered by strong hearts – that’s what Superbods are made of and that’s why Everybod Superbod 2020 continues!

Get ready to witness the rise of strong champions who advocate a powerful body, mind, and heart, especially during these trying times.


Thirty-six men and women are this year’s Century Tuna’s Everybod Superbod finalists after days of fierce competition.

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Your Century Tuna Superbods 2020: Everybod Superbod Finalists

The male finalists are — Sam Ajdani, Nelson Banzuela, Kirk Bondad, Enzo Bonoan, Hans Braga, Michael Burtscher, Nicholas Chua, Aaron Davis, Robert Hamilton, Albert Lorenzo, Philippe Magalona, Erie Matic, Malcolm Mostoles, Gianpaolo Paparo, Julian Roxas, Gian Ruiz, Jason Senga and Jojo Urquico.

The female finalists are Katrina Arceta, Merlinda Boo, Grace del Rosario, Sherlyn Doloriel, Rosemarie Ebido, Shirley Garcia, Astrid Hernandez, Renzel Jose, Heike Kuczera, Karla Lasquite, Samantha Lo, Ines Lorenzo, Erika Ochosa, Kathleen Paton, Christine Picardal, Samantha Purvor, Candice Ramos and Keylyn Trajano.

In these trying times, champions with strong bodies, hearts, and minds will rise. Pilipinas, meet your finalists for Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020. Follow their Stay Strong journey on Century Tuna Superbods’ Facebook page! And save the date for EVERYBOD SUPERBOD 2020: THE FINALS on September 19.
View the Superbods album here: https://bit.ly/SuperbodsFinalists

Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals

Date:September 19, 2020
Organized By:Century Tuna

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    Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals Registration Details

    Venue:Virtual Competition
    Metro Manila, Metro Manila

    Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals Registration: COMING SOON

    For more information about Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals

    Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals

    DISCLAIMER: Schedule and all information about Century Tuna Everybod Superbod 2020: The Finals came either from research, or initially provided by the race & event organizers. Pinoy Fit Buddy does not guarantee the accurate listing of these events. Please contact the race / event organizers for updates and possible changes.

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