Wake up with DETERMINATION. Go to bed with SATISFACTION.
Relatable Fitness Philippines is about to start featuring different Pinoy #Fitspirations from around the country who hopefully can make you feel inspired to have your goals set and attained in this long journey of being fit and healthy.
Up first on the list is Jose Amando San Juan, or SJ, 24-year old physique bodybuilder who is currently working as a front desk officer agent in Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay.

SJ came from a very sport minded family. Cooking, playing basketball, and traveling are his favorite hobbies. Here’s how the interview went:
When did you realize that you have a passion in bodybuilding and overall fitness?
I was always into fitness. My dad and my two brothers were physically active and were into sports, mainly basketball. We also go to the gym regularly. I played basketball varsity in my grade school and high school years. I also played in college and had hopes of playing in the collegiate level but things just did not work out. It was during the latter part of my college years where I started to take weight lifting seriously. Some friends of mine really saw potential when I was just starting out and my body reacted well to body building / weight lifting. That’s when I told myself that this could be something that I could really focus on.

You are currently working as a hotelier and a chef and it’s quite impressive for such career to take the bodybuilding road. What is your biggest motivation and how do you manage to stay consistent?
I believe that you can have any career and also do what you love at the same time. It’s just really a matter of managing your time and always making sure to fit in a workout to your daily routine. For example, sometimes my work requires me to check in at around 7:00am so I have to adjust and start my workout at around 5:00am. You just have to adapt to the conditions given at work and squeeze in that workout, be it in the morning or at night or even in the middle of the day. Having a 24-hour gym near work is really a plus for me given my work conditions as well. Being consistent is not easy, there are some days that you just really feel off, and you just have to listen to your body. You just have to keep your focus.
Can you take us to your training routine? What is it like?
My usual training split is:
- Monday: Chest & Shoulders
- Tuesday: Legs
- Wednesday: Back
- Thursday: Chest
- Friday: Arms
For my workouts I usually do 6 sets per exercise for 8 reps (hard 8 reps) and I do abs every other day.
Can you tell us your top 3 favorite exercises and what do you love about them?
I usually go to basic lifts. Because this boosts my test levels up that helps for the muscle growth.
- Bench press: I like this exercise because it really helps build a well developed chest.
- Squats: It really focuses on my thighs.
- Pull ups: Because it builds my total upper body strength.

In your own opinion, how many hours for a bodybuilder would it require for a normal workout and how many times a week?
I usually go 1 hour and 30 minutes. I workout at least 5 times a week.
Any sample diet you’d like to share?
For diet right now is called intermittent diet. It’s fasting for 12 hours. I start eating at 2:00PM until 10:00pm. From 10pm to 2pm I’m just drinking black coffee or water.
#RelatableFitness Question: Do you allow yourself to have cheat days too? If you do, what are your favorite foods you allow yourself to indulge in?
Of course, cheat days are important. You have to those simple pleasures in life from time to time. It also keeps you sane. If you just rotate your meals with broccoli, fish, chicken breast and purple yam 24/7, you’ll lose your mind I can guarantee.
Any supplement(s) or stack you’d like to share with our readers?
For me i usually use BCAA for muscle recovery, whey for quick protein delivery, and pre-workout to help me go beyond my limits in the gym.

What are your current fitness goals right now? Do you plan on joining a competition this year?
Mg current goal right now is to maintain a healthy and balance diet. For now i don’t have any plans cause i just started on my new job so i have to stay focus first on my job. But anytime soon i will surely compete again.
Before we end this interview, what’s your biggest advise to those who wants to start a healthier, fitter lifestyle?
Just start. You don’t have to wait for anyone to tell you what to do or where to workout. Just get up and go for a quick run or do burpees in your living room until you puke. Working out is easy, the real battle is maintaining that lifestyle and waking up early in the morning everyday to drag your a** into the gym or working out. When you feel tired or feel that you just don’t want to work out, just remember why you started and what you are working out for. It helps to have a fitness goal but never put a limit to yourself. Always try to break barriers.

Any shout outs / parting words / fitness quotes you live on by?
I want to greet my girlfriend who’s always there on my fitness journey, Jerrylee. My brothers for always supporting me on my goals. And lastly my parents for always pushing me to strive and be better.

Inspired about SJ’s fitness journey? Follow him on Instagram at _josesanjuan, or reach him at Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/therealsj18.
Would you like to share your fitness story too? Let us know and we’d love to have you in this #Fitspiration corner.
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